In the Dalabelos farm a bounty of olive groves, a large vineyard, an orchard with orange and other fruit trees, fig, mulberry, pomegranate, almond, walnut and quince trees, as well as a lot of wild herbs provide a desired biodiversity. Vegetable gardens scattered onto different land levels throughout the farm provide the restaurant with fresh vegetables all year round. A large number of chickens roam around the orangery. Visitors can walk freely around the farm, they can gather vegetables in the garden, pick fruit and herbs, observe flowers, birds and animals, participate in daily chores (feed poultry, collect eggs) or just sit in the shade of a tree and read or daydream.

The olive grove – Olive gathering

The olive grove – Olive gathering

The harvesting of olives dates back to antiquity. We can observe it depicted on ancient vases, a collective activity carried out by the Cretans during winter with the same method to this day. Since olive trees are very sensitive to cold, rain and damp weather, harvesting is carried out in favorable conditions, on mild sunny winter days.
The olive is the most important agricultural product of the island, its pressing procedure gives out the precious olive oil, which is the basis of Cretan cooking.

Visiting Dalabelos Farm – (organic farming, animals) the price is set at 20 Euros per person (4-15 persons) and includes treats with refreshments, tsikoudia and other estate products and discussion of organic farming

The Vineyard – The vine harvest

The Vineyard – The vine harvest

Grape picking is the most pleasant collective agricultural activity and takes place by the end of summer. This work is accompanied with songs and goes on as a feast that lasts throughout the pressing of grapes and ends by the time when barrels are filled with the grape must – the prize of a whole year’s work at the vineyards.

The visitor of Dalabelos is welcome to participate in olive picking and vintage in order to experience the generosity of Cretan land and the bond of the people to their land and its products.

The wine press

The wine press

All activities associated with grapes are cause for celebration. The clay wine press built in the farm’s courtyard is used to press grapes in order to extract the must. The grapes residue is left to ferment and in October it is transferred to the cauldron to be distilled and produce the famous Cretan raki, a “remedy” for body and soul.

Our Farm Tour starts every Tuesday at 18:00 until the end of September. From 1st of October it starts at 17:00.

Ask for more info or make a booking here: